Campus and online services

Campus perks

Larry and Cindy Bloch Alumni and Advancement Center

A “home away from home” to keep alumni connected to the University and one another. Located at 300 East River Road.

Alumni ID card

A University Alumni ID card is required for many campus services. Cards may be obtained free of charge from the River Campus ID office located in the Customer Service Center on the first floor of Susan B. Anthony Hall. For hours of operation, please call (585) 275.3975.

School-based career centers

Even after graduation, Rochester alumni still have access to the various tools and services provided by the Gwen M. Greene Center for Career Education and Connections and school-based career centers. Visit the links below to learn more about the resources available to you.

Many alumni find this the ideal location to integrate the spirit of Meliora into their weddings, memorials, and other events. Space in the chapel is limited, so submit your request today!

One visit per month is allowed free of charge for alumni on the River Campus. Please show your Alumni ID to take advantage of this benefit. Beyond that, the University requires visitors to purchase one-day permits at the visitors’ booth near the Elmwood Avenue entrance. Note that parking is free between 7 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. Monday–Friday and throughout the weekend in non-reserved spaces on the River Campus.

The R Club offers exclusive membership, providing access to the entire complex. Out of town alumni have access to all facilities with a University Alumni ID card and a daily fee. The Athletic and Aquatic Center hours may change periodically to accommodate varsity athletics or special events. Please call (585) 275-7643 with any questions.

Education verification: transcript requests

Make official transcript requests via the Registrar’s office website. Alumni and students will be charged a nominal fee for transcripts, depending on the delivery option selected.

In support of our transgender and gender-expansive alumnx, the University of Rochester will provide a complimentary, no-cost, reprint of diplomas for members of these communities so that this important symbol of their time at UR can represent who each of our graduates are authentically. To take advantage of this service, please contact Amari Simpson, Associate Director of Affinity Networks and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Programs, at

Online resources

Stay virtually connected with the University of Rochester and your fellow alumni.

Rochester email address

Show your Rochester pride with a Rochester email address.

All alumni from the University can take advantage of an email address with the power of Gmail. To get started, contact to verify your identity and provide your preferred username for the new account.

For graduates from School of Arts & Sciences and Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, beginning with the Class of 2015, University of Rochester email addresses remain with graduating students without any action required. Please note, storage limitations may change after graduation. You are welcome to request a new account of preferred.

Students in some divisions and programs are provided with email addresses that end in, or they are using student email accounts that are temporary in nature. If you are currently using an email account that ends in, know that these accounts remain active after graduation indefinitely. Graduate School students, typically have account that end in, typically are disabled after 90 days after graduation but may differ depending on school and program. We recommend you contact your Graduate School directly for more details. If you have any questions about your email following graduation, please contact us at

Beyond the Genesee

Beyond the Genesee: A Yellowjacket’s Guide to Navigating Life After College is a searchable online guide for recent graduates, full of advice from experienced alumni. A wide range of transition topics are covered, including applying to graduate school, finding an apartment, preparing for job interviews, and more.

Explore Beyond the Genesee

School spirit

The Meliora spirit knows no bounds. Share your school pride no matter where you’re living or working. 


Wear your University of Rochester gear with pride. Check out these online stores and grab the latest looks to display the Meliora spirit wherever you live.


Getting married or gathering a group of alumni? The Office of Alumni Relations will send you a University pennant to put some Meliora spirit in the photos for your special day. To receive a pennant, email us at with your name, class year, mailing address, and wedding date. It’s that easy!

Hosting a reunion based on a club or organization from your time on campus? Visit this page for more information on how we can help you make your gathering a success. 

Library services

As a graduate of the University of Rochester, you have virtual access to many on-campus libraries, their respective collections, and several premium library databases. Accessing the premium databases (JSTOR, Mergent Online, Proquest Alumni Edition, and Sage Journals) and other resources requires you to login using your alumni directory username and password.

If you don’t have this set up already, you can create a new login account by sending an email to

Please include:

  • Your name—include maiden or former names
  • Mailing address
  • Class year
  • School(s) from which you received your degree

Once your email is received and your alumni status confirmed, you will receive a one-time code and instructions for creating your alumni account.

Alumni are welcome to visit the Edward G. Miner Library and use materials within the library. Borrowing privileges are available with a University Alumni ID.

Borrowing privileges at River Campus libraries are available with the presentation of a University Alumni ID card.

Music educators and musicians within a 50-mile radius of Rochester may apply for a Community Borrower’s Card.